ZigZagEscape (Chromium 2017 Challenge)

This page displays a solution to Codility’s Chromium 2017 Challenge. The problem’s given name is ZigZagEscape.

The following solution attains 90% score under Codility’s test, it is therefore NOT a golden award solution.

def solution(H):
N = len(H)
stack = []
array1 = [0]*N
stack.append((0, H[0]))
array1[0] = (0, 1000000010)
for idx, elem in enumerate(H):
while stack[-1][1] < elem:
if stack == []:
stack.append((idx, elem))
array1[idx] = (idx, 1000000010)
if stack[-1][1] > elem:
array1[idx] = stack[-1]
stack.append((idx, elem))
stack = [(N-1, H[-1])]
for idx, elem in enumerate(reversed(H)):
while stack[-1][1] < elem:
if stack == []:
stack.append((N-idx-1, elem))
if stack[-1][1] > elem:
if array1[N-idx-1][1] > stack[-1][1]:
array1[N-idx-1] = stack[-1]
stack.append((N-idx-1, elem))
array2 = []
for x in xrange(N):
array2.append(((H[x], x), array1[x][0]))
array2.sort(reverse = True)
POS = [0]*N
for k in xrange(N):
POS[k] = (array2[k][0][1], k)
F = []
for i in xrange(N):
F.append((array2[i][0][1], POS[array2[i][1]][1]))
dp = [((0,0), 0)]
total = N
for i in xrange(1, N):
sum_l = dp[F[i][1]][0][0]
sum_r = dp[F[i][1]][0][1]
current = F[i][0]
for j in xrange(dp[F[i][1]][1], i):
if F[j][0] < current:
sum_l += sum_r +1
sum_r += sum_l +1
dp.append(((sum_l, sum_r), i))
total += sum_l + sum_r
total %= 1000000007
return total

The time complexity of the above solution is O(N*sqrt(N)).

A link to the test result is available here.

You may have also noticed that only golden awards were granted for this challenge.

When a solution undergoes the Codility test, several single tests are carried out. For this challenge, the fine distinction between a O(N*sqrt(N)) solution and a O(N*log(N)) solution was made by a test placed in the “correctness” block instead of the “performance’ block. This way, only O(N*log(N)) solutions were considered to produce correct results and no single silver award was granted for this challenge.